Gilligan's Web
The world loves Wikipedia, flocks to Flickr, and listens to And why not? Web 2.0 sites like them harness collective knowledge, promote interaction and communication, and improve the more you use them.
Alas, not every Web 2.0 site is a winner. Many are vague, pointless, or just plain silly. As Web critic Nicholas Carr notes, "If I were called in to rename Web 2.0, I think I'd call it Gilligan's Web," after the goofy '60s sitcom.
How do you identify a dumb Web 2.0 site? First, the site's mission statement must be impenetrable. ("Spotback is a personalized rating system that recommends relevant content based on personal rating history using collaborative filtering and aggregated knowledge technologies." Huh?) Second, the site must solve a problem that has been solved a million times already or didn't need solving in the first place. Third, its name must love the letter "r" but eschew vowels (Drivl, Grazr, Hngry), or be a refugee from "Jabberwocky" (CurdBee, Egghub, Humyo, Jiffle).
Here are 14 of the silliest and most redundant, tasteless, or mystifying Web 2.0 sites. Warning: Visiting these sites may impair higher brain functions.
-- by Robert Luhn, PC World
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